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Glossary D

Decision-making process

The steps taken to make a decision, including gathering information, weighing options, and choosing a course of action.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Soakaways: Understanding the Differences (Basics)


The breakdown of organic matter into simpler compounds.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Composting Toilets: What’s Better? (Basics)
  2. Septic Tanks vs Privies: What’s the Connection? (Basics)
  3. Oxygen Requirement Difference
  4. How To Increase Bacteria In Septic Tank Naturally?
  5. Septic Tanks vs Biodigesters: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  6. Septic Tanks vs Rotating Biological Contactors: Key Differences (Guide)
  7. What To Put In Septic Tank To Break Down Solids?

Decomposition process

The natural breakdown of organic matter by bacteria and other microorganisms.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Biodigesters: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  2. What To Put In Septic Tank To Break Down Solids?


The process by which bacteria convert nitrates in wastewater into nitrogen gas, reducing the amount of nitrogen in the effluent.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Subsurface Wetlands: What’s Better? (Basics)
  2. Septic Tanks vs Lagoons: What’s Better? (Guide)
  3. Septic Tanks vs Aerated Lagoons: Know the Difference (Guide)
  4. Overview
  5. Oxygen Requirement Difference
  6. Septic Tanks vs Constructed Wetlands: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)

Design considerations

Factors that need to be taken into account when designing a septic tank system, such as soil type and site location.

  1. How Deep Is A Septic Tank?
  2. Septic Tanks vs Evapotranspiration Systems: Key Differences (Guide)

Design flow rate

  1. Septic Tanks vs Pressure Distribution Systems: Key Differences (Guide)

Design requirements

The specific guidelines and regulations that must be followed when designing a septic tank system, such as setback distances and soil type requirements.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Soakaways: Understanding the Differences (Basics)
  2. Septic Tanks vs Mound Systems: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)


  1. Septic Tanks vs Lagoons: What’s Better? (Guide)


The solid material that remains in a septic tank after the digestion process is complete.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Leach Fields: Understanding the Connection (Basics)
  2. Septic Tanks vs Package Plants: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)
  3. Septic Tanks vs Septic Dosing Systems: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  4. Step 1: Anaerobic Digestion Process

Digestion process

The natural breakdown of organic matter in a septic tank system, which produces gases and liquids that are released into the environment.

  1. Oxygen Requirement Difference
  2. Septic Tanks vs Septic Dosing Systems: Understanding Differences (Basics)

Discharge permits

  1. Septic Tanks vs Aerated Lagoons: Know the Difference (Guide)

Discharge standards

Regulations and guidelines for the safe release of treated wastewater into the environment.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Dry Wells: Know the Difference (Guide)
  2. Soil Absorption System vs Septic Tanks (Understanding Differences)

Dishwashers with built-in food grinders

Appliances that grind up food waste before it enters the septic tank system, reducing the amount of solids that need to be treated.

  1. Step 1: Understanding the Basics


The process of killing harmful bacteria and pathogens in wastewater to make it safe for release into the environment.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Biodigesters: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  2. Septic Tanks vs Constructed Wetlands: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  3. Septic Tanks vs Lagoons: What’s Better? (Guide)
  4. Septic Tanks vs Trickling Filters: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  5. Overview
  6. Oxygen Requirement Difference
  7. Gravity vs Pump Septic Systems: What’s Better? (Basics)
  8. Septic Tanks vs Aerated Lagoons: Know the Difference (Guide)
  9. Septic Tanks vs Cisterns: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  10. Septic Tanks vs Greywater Systems (Understanding Differences)
  11. Septic Tanks vs Privies: What’s the Connection? (Basics)
  12. Septic Tanks vs Rotating Biological Contactors: Key Differences (Guide)
  13. Septic Tanks vs Subsurface Wetlands: What’s Better? (Basics)
  14. Soil Absorption System vs Septic Tanks (Understanding Differences)

Disinfection methods

The specific techniques used to disinfect wastewater in a septic tank system.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Package Plants: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)

Disinfection process

  1. Septic Tanks vs Municipal Sewage: Key Differences (Guide)

Disinfection techniques

Methods used to kill harmful bacteria and pathogens in wastewater, such as UV light or chlorine.

  1. Step 1: Anaerobic Digestion Process


  1. Overview
  2. Septic Tanks vs Package Plants: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)
  3. Can You Have A Garbage Disposal With A Septic Tank?
  4. Septic Tanks vs Municipal Sewage: Key Differences (Guide)
  5. Septic Tanks vs Mound Systems: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  6. Septic Tanks vs Onsite Wastewater Treatment: Clearing Confusion (Guide)
  7. Septic Tanks vs Lagoons: What’s Better? (Guide)
  8. Septic Tanks vs Septic Dosing Systems: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  9. Septic Tanks vs Composting Toilets: What’s Better? (Basics)
  10. Septic Tanks vs Evapotranspiration Systems: Key Differences (Guide)
  11. Step 1: Understand the Basics
  12. Septic Tanks vs Aerated Lagoons: Know the Difference (Guide)
  13. Septic Tanks vs Soakaways: Understanding the Differences (Basics)
  14. How To Check Septic Tank Is Full?
  15. How Long Does It Take To Pump A Septic Tank?
  16. Septic Tanks vs Trickling Filters: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  17. Septic Tanks vs Biodigesters: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  18. Step 1: Understanding the Basics
  19. Septic Tanks vs Sewer Systems: Clearing Confusion (Basics)
  20. Septic Tanks vs Privies: What’s the Connection? (Basics)
  21. Septic Tanks vs Subsurface Wetlands: What’s Better? (Basics)
  22. Overview
  23. Single Chamber vs Two Chamber Septic Tanks (Guide)
  24. Are Septic Tanks Bad?
  25. What Happens When Septic Tank Is Full?
  26. Septic Tanks vs French Drains: What’s the Connection? (Basics)
  27. Septic Tanks vs Drain Fields: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  28. Septic Tanks vs Cisterns: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  29. How To Clean Septic Tank?
  30. How Do Septic Tanks Work?
  31. Gravity vs Pump Septic Systems: What’s Better? (Basics)
  32. Does Every House Have A Septic Tank?
  33. Concrete vs Plastic Septic Tanks (Understanding Differences)
  34. Step 1: Anaerobic Digestion Process
  35. What Size Septic Tank Do I Need?

Disposal field sizing

  1. Septic Tanks vs Package Plants: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)

Disposal methods

The various ways in which treated wastewater can be safely disposed of, such as through irrigation or surface discharge.

  1. Step 1: Anaerobic Digestion Process
  2. Septic Tanks vs Lagoons: What’s Better? (Guide)
  3. Can You Have A Septic Tank Without A Leach Field?
  4. Concrete vs Plastic Septic Tanks (Understanding Differences)
  5. Septic Tanks vs Evapotranspiration Systems: Key Differences (Guide)
  6. Septic Tanks vs French Drains: What’s the Connection? (Basics)
  7. Step 1: Understanding the Basics
  8. Septic Tanks vs Septic Dosing Systems: Understanding Differences (Basics)

Dissolved oxygen (DO)

The amount of oxygen present in wastewater, which can affect the treatment process in a septic tank system.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Aerated Lagoons: Know the Difference (Guide)
  2. Oxygen Requirement Difference
  3. Septic Tanks vs Constructed Wetlands: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  4. Septic Tanks vs Rotating Biological Contactors: Key Differences (Guide)
  5. Step 1: Anaerobic Digestion Process
  6. Septic Tanks vs Package Plants: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)
  7. Septic Tanks vs Pressure Distribution Systems: Key Differences (Guide)
  8. Overview
  9. Septic Tanks vs Trickling Filters: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  10. Septic Tanks vs Drain Fields: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  11. Septic Tanks vs Subsurface Wetlands: What’s Better? (Basics)
  12. How To Increase Bacteria In Septic Tank Naturally?
  13. Septic Tanks vs Biodigesters: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  14. Septic Tanks vs Sand Mounds: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  15. Septic Tanks vs Leach Fields: Understanding the Connection (Basics)
  16. Septic Tanks vs Septic Dosing Systems: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  17. Septic Tanks vs Mound Systems: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  18. Soil Absorption System vs Septic Tanks (Understanding Differences)
  19. Septic Tanks vs Lagoons: What’s Better? (Guide)
  20. Septic Tanks vs Composting Toilets: What’s Better? (Basics)
  21. How To Build A Septic Tank?
  22. Does Every House Have A Septic Tank?
  23. Concrete vs Plastic Septic Tanks (Understanding Differences)
  24. Septic Tanks vs Onsite Wastewater Treatment: Clearing Confusion (Guide)
  25. What To Do After Septic Tank Is Pumped?

Distribution box

A component of a septic tank system that evenly distributes wastewater to the drainage field.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Evapotranspiration Systems: Key Differences (Guide)
  2. Septic Tanks vs Pressure Distribution Systems: Key Differences (Guide)
  3. Septic Tanks vs French Drains: What’s the Connection? (Basics)
  4. Gravity vs Pump Septic Systems: What’s Better? (Basics)
  5. How Many Bathrooms Can A 1000 Gallon Septic Tank Support?
  6. Septic Tanks vs Septic Dosing Systems: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  7. How Do Septic Tanks Work?
  8. How To Check Septic Tank Is Full?
  9. Step 1: Understand the Basics
  10. Septic Tanks vs Dry Wells: Know the Difference (Guide)
  11. Septic Tanks vs Mound Systems: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  12. Septic Tanks vs Privies: What’s the Connection? (Basics)
  13. What Does A Septic Tank Look Like?

Distribution box installation

  1. Septic Tanks vs Pressure Distribution Systems: Key Differences (Guide)

Dosing system

  1. Septic Tanks vs Septic Dosing Systems: Understanding Differences (Basics)

Drainage area

The area of land where wastewater is collected and directed to the septic tank system.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Dry Wells: Know the Difference (Guide)
  2. How Far Is The Leach Field From The Septic Tank?
  3. Septic Tanks vs Leach Fields: Understanding the Connection (Basics)
  4. Septic Tanks vs Package Plants: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)
  5. Septic Tanks vs Sand Mounds: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  6. Can You Have A Septic Tank Without A Leach Field?
  7. How Do I Know If I Have A Septic Tank?
  8. Septic Tanks vs Drain Fields: Understanding Differences (Basics)

Drainage bed

The layer of sand or gravel in a drainage bed system that filters and treats wastewater.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Leach Fields: Understanding the Connection (Basics)

Drainage bed design

The specific layout and configuration of a drainage bed system for a septic tank.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Leach Fields: Understanding the Connection (Basics)

Drainage bed system

A type of drainage field that uses a layer of sand or gravel to filter and treat wastewater.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Mound Systems: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)

Drainage capacity

The amount of water that a drainage field can handle without becoming overloaded.

  1. Soil Absorption System vs Septic Tanks (Understanding Differences)
  2. Septic Tanks vs Soakaways: Understanding the Differences (Basics)
  3. Septic Tanks vs Cisterns: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  4. How Long Do Septic Tanks Last?
  5. Septic Tanks vs Leach Fields: Understanding the Connection (Basics)
  6. What Size Septic Tank Do I Need?

Drainage ditch

A channel or trench dug to divert water away from the septic tank system.

  1. Concrete vs Plastic Septic Tanks (Understanding Differences)

Drainage field design

The process of designing the layout and configuration of the drainage field for a septic tank system.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Leach Fields: Understanding the Connection (Basics)
  2. How Deep Is A Septic Tank?

Drainage field requirements

The specific needs and regulations for the area designated for wastewater absorption and filtration in a septic tank system.

  1. Step 1: Understand the Basics
  2. Septic Tanks vs Dry Wells: Know the Difference (Guide)
  3. Septic Tanks vs Mound Systems: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)

Drainage fields

The area designated for wastewater absorption and filtration in a septic tank system.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Dry Wells: Know the Difference (Guide)
  2. What Does A Septic Tank Look Like?
  3. Septic Tanks vs Soakaways: Understanding the Differences (Basics)
  4. Step 1: Understand the Basics
  5. Single Chamber vs Two Chamber Septic Tanks (Guide)
  6. Concrete vs Plastic Septic Tanks (Understanding Differences)
  7. How To Build A Septic Tank?
  8. Septic Tanks vs Subsurface Wetlands: What’s Better? (Basics)
  9. Septic Tanks vs Leach Fields: Understanding the Connection (Basics)
  10. Overview
  11. Can I Shower If My Septic Tank Is Full?
  12. How Long Does It Take To Pump A Septic Tank?
  13. How Do Septic Tanks Work?
  14. How Big Of A Septic Tank Do I Need?
  15. Can You Drive Over A Septic Tank?
  16. How To Check Septic Tank Is Full?
  17. What Size Septic Tank Do I Need?

Drainage field size requirements

The specific size requirements for the area designated for wastewater absorption and filtration in a septic tank system.

  1. Concrete vs Plastic Septic Tanks (Understanding Differences)

Drainage outlet

The point at which wastewater is released from a septic tank system.

  1. Septic Tanks vs French Drains: What’s the Connection? (Basics)

Drainage pipes

Pipes used to direct wastewater away from a septic tank system.

  1. What Does A Full Septic Tank Look Like?

Drainage requirements

The specific needs and regulations for the drainage system used in a septic tank system.

  1. Oxygen Requirement Difference
  2. Single Chamber vs Two Chamber Septic Tanks (Guide)

Drainage system

The system used to direct wastewater away from a septic tank system.

  1. Can You Have A Septic Tank Without A Leach Field?
  2. Septic Tanks vs French Drains: What’s the Connection? (Basics)
  3. Step 1: Understanding the Basics
  4. Can I Shower If My Septic Tank Is Full?
  5. Can You Drive Over A Septic Tank?
  6. How Long Does It Take To Pump A Septic Tank?
  7. How Many Bathrooms Can A 1000 Gallon Septic Tank Support?
  8. Septic Tanks vs Soakaways: Understanding the Differences (Basics)
  9. What Happens When Septic Tank Is Full?
  10. What Size Septic Tank Do I Need?
  11. What To Do After Septic Tank Is Pumped?

Drainage system design

The planning and layout of the drainage system used in a septic tank system.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Soakaways: Understanding the Differences (Basics)

Drainage trench

A trench used to direct wastewater away from a septic tank system.

  1. Step 1: Understand the Basics


The area designated for wastewater absorption and filtration in a septic tank system.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Onsite Wastewater Treatment: Clearing Confusion (Guide)
  2. Septic Tanks vs Mound Systems: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  3. Septic Tanks vs Pressure Distribution Systems: Key Differences (Guide)
  4. Septic Tanks vs Lagoons: What’s Better? (Guide)
  5. How Do Septic Tanks Work?
  6. What Size Septic Tank Do I Need?
  7. Septic Tanks vs French Drains: What’s the Connection? (Basics)
  8. How Big Of A Septic Tank Do I Need?
  9. Are Septic Tanks Bad?
  10. How Do I Know If I Have A Septic Tank?
  11. How Long Does It Take To Replace A Septic Tank?
  12. How Far Is The Leach Field From The Septic Tank?
  13. Septic Tanks vs Sand Mounds: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  14. Septic Tanks vs Subsurface Wetlands: What’s Better? (Basics)
  15. Soil Absorption System vs Septic Tanks (Understanding Differences)
  16. What To Put In Septic Tank To Break Down Solids?
  17. How To Check Septic Tank Is Full?
  18. How To Build A Septic Tank?
  19. Septic Tanks vs Septic Dosing Systems: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  20. Septic Tanks vs Biodigesters: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)

Drain field

The area of land where wastewater is filtered and treated before being released into the environment.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Drain Fields: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  2. Septic Tanks vs Septic Dosing Systems: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  3. Step 1: Understand the Basics
  4. Overview
  5. Septic Tanks vs Pressure Distribution Systems: Key Differences (Guide)
  6. Septic Tanks vs Cisterns: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  7. Gravity vs Pump Septic Systems: What’s Better? (Basics)
  8. Septic Tanks vs Municipal Sewage: Key Differences (Guide)
  9. Septic Tanks vs Evapotranspiration Systems: Key Differences (Guide)
  10. Concrete vs Plastic Septic Tanks (Understanding Differences)
  11. Septic Tanks vs French Drains: What’s the Connection? (Basics)
  12. How Often To Pump A Septic Tank?
  13. How To Check Septic Tank Is Full?
  14. What To Do After Septic Tank Is Pumped?
  15. Step 1: Understanding the Basics
  16. Septic Tanks vs Sand Mounds: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  17. Soil Absorption System vs Septic Tanks (Understanding Differences)
  18. What Does A Septic Tank Look Like?
  19. What Happens When Septic Tank Is Full?
  20. How Do I Know If I Have A Septic Tank?
  21. Septic Tanks vs Sewer Systems: Clearing Confusion (Basics)
  22. Where Is My Septic Tank?
  23. How Do Septic Tanks Work?
  24. How To Unclog A Septic Tank Yourself?
  25. Single Chamber vs Two Chamber Septic Tanks (Guide)
  26. Do All Houses Have Septic Tanks?
  27. Can You Drive Over A Septic Tank?
  28. What Does A Full Septic Tank Look Like?
  29. How Big Of A Septic Tank Do I Need?
  30. Septic Tanks vs Onsite Wastewater Treatment: Clearing Confusion (Guide)
  31. Septic Tanks vs Package Plants: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)
  32. How To Build A Septic Tank?
  33. How To Clean Septic Tank?
  34. How Long Does It Take To Replace A Septic Tank?
  35. How Many Bathrooms Can A 1000 Gallon Septic Tank Support?
  36. How To Find Septic Tank Lid?
  37. Septic Tanks vs Trickling Filters: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  38. Septic Tanks vs Soakaways: Understanding the Differences (Basics)
  39. Septic Tanks vs Greywater Systems (Understanding Differences)
  40. How Long Does It Take To Pump A Septic Tank?
  41. How Deep Is A Septic Tank?
  42. How To Reset Septic Tank Alarm?
  43. How Long Do Septic Tanks Last?
  44. Septic Tanks vs Mound Systems: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  45. Septic Tanks vs Lagoons: What’s Better? (Guide)
  46. Overview
  47. Can You Use Drano With A Septic Tank?
  48. Can You Have A Garbage Disposal With A Septic Tank?
  49. Septic Tanks vs Biodigesters: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  50. Does Every House Have A Septic Tank?
  51. Oxygen Requirement Difference

Drainfield absorption

The process by which wastewater is absorbed and filtered in the designated area of a septic tank system.

  1. How Long Do Septic Tanks Last?
  2. Septic Tanks vs Greywater Systems (Understanding Differences)

Drainfield clogging

  1. Septic Tanks vs Onsite Wastewater Treatment: Clearing Confusion (Guide)

Drain field design

The process of designing the layout and configuration of the drainage field for a septic tank system.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Pressure Distribution Systems: Key Differences (Guide)
  2. Septic Tanks vs Evapotranspiration Systems: Key Differences (Guide)
  3. Septic Tanks vs Soakaways: Understanding the Differences (Basics)

Drainfield failure

The breakdown or malfunction of the area designated for wastewater absorption and filtration in a septic tank system.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Soakaways: Understanding the Differences (Basics)

Drain field function

The role of the drainage field in a septic tank system, which is to filter and treat wastewater before it is released into the environment.

  1. Step 1: Understand the Basics

Drain field layout

  1. Septic Tanks vs Pressure Distribution Systems: Key Differences (Guide)

Drainfield maintenance

Regular upkeep of the area designated for wastewater absorption and filtration in a septic tank system.

  1. Septic Tanks vs French Drains: What’s the Connection? (Basics)
  2. Septic Tanks vs Lagoons: What’s Better? (Guide)
  3. Septic Tanks vs Subsurface Wetlands: What’s Better? (Basics)

Drain field maintenance

Regular upkeep and cleaning of the drainage field to ensure proper functioning of the septic tank system.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Drain Fields: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  2. Overview
  3. Single Chamber vs Two Chamber Septic Tanks (Guide)

Drainfield size

The size of the area designated for wastewater absorption and filtration in a septic tank system.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Mound Systems: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)

Drain rock or gravel layer

A layer of rocks or gravel used in a drainage field to help filter and treat wastewater.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Dry Wells: Know the Difference (Guide)

Drip irrigation

  1. Septic Tanks vs Lagoons: What’s Better? (Guide)

Drip irrigation systems

A method of watering plants that delivers water directly to the roots, reducing water usage and strain on septic systems.

  1. Concrete vs Plastic Septic Tanks (Understanding Differences)
  2. Septic Tanks vs Cisterns: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  3. Can You Have A Septic Tank Without A Leach Field?
  4. Septic Tanks vs Lagoons: What’s Better? (Guide)

Drought-resistant landscaping

  1. Septic Tanks vs Onsite Wastewater Treatment: Clearing Confusion (Guide)

Drought-resistant plants

Plants that require minimal water and can thrive in dry conditions, reducing strain on septic systems.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Cisterns: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  2. Septic Tanks vs Onsite Wastewater Treatment: Clearing Confusion (Guide)

Dry well

A well filled with gravel used to absorb and filter wastewater from a septic tank system.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Dry Wells: Know the Difference (Guide)

Dry well installation

The process of installing a dry well system for septic tank drainage.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Dry Wells: Know the Difference (Guide)

Dry well system

A type of drainage system that uses a well filled with gravel to absorb and filter wastewater.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Dry Wells: Know the Difference (Guide)


The ability of a septic tank system to withstand wear and tear over time.

  1. Concrete vs Plastic Septic Tanks (Understanding Differences)
  2. Septic Tanks vs Cisterns: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  3. Where To Buy Concrete Septic Tank Lids?
  4. Septic Tanks vs Composting Toilets: What’s Better? (Basics)
  5. Overview