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Glossary H

Habitat destruction

The loss of natural habitats due to human activities.

  1. Gravity vs Pump Septic Systems: What’s Better? (Basics)
  2. Septic Tanks vs Soakaways: Understanding the Differences (Basics)

Hand sanitizer dispensers

Devices used to dispense hand sanitizer for hygiene purposes.

  1. Overview

Hazardous waste management

  1. Septic Tanks vs Aerated Lagoons: Know the Difference (Guide)

Health and safety concerns

Issues that pose a potential risk to human health and safety.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Sewer Systems: Clearing Confusion (Basics)

Health and safety considerations

Factors that must be taken into account to ensure safe and healthy conditions.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Composting Toilets: What’s Better? (Basics)
  2. Overview

Health and safety guidelines

Recommendations for safe and healthy practices in various settings.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Leach Fields: Understanding the Connection (Basics)

Health and safety regulations

  1. Septic Tanks vs Drain Fields: Understanding Differences (Basics)

Health and safety standards

Criteria established to ensure safe and healthy working and living conditions.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Greywater Systems (Understanding Differences)

Health codes

Regulations and guidelines that govern public health and safety.

  1. Single Chamber vs Two Chamber Septic Tanks (Guide)

Health hazards

Potential risks to human health posed by exposure to harmful substances or conditions.

  1. Overview
  2. Step 1: Understand the Basics
  3. Septic Tanks vs Package Plants: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)
  4. Septic Tanks vs Privies: What’s the Connection? (Basics)
  5. Septic Tanks vs Onsite Wastewater Treatment: Clearing Confusion (Guide)
  6. Septic Tanks vs Greywater Systems (Understanding Differences)
  7. Septic Tanks vs Trickling Filters: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  8. Septic Tanks vs Septic Dosing Systems: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  9. Septic Tanks vs Sand Mounds: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  10. Septic Tanks vs Biodigesters: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  11. Step 1: Anaerobic Digestion Process
  12. Septic Tanks vs Subsurface Wetlands: What’s Better? (Basics)
  13. Septic Tanks vs Municipal Sewage: Key Differences (Guide)
  14. Are Septic Tanks Bad?
  15. Step 1: Understanding the Basics
  16. Septic Tanks vs French Drains: What’s the Connection? (Basics)
  17. Septic Tanks vs Drain Fields: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  18. Septic Tanks vs Constructed Wetlands: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  19. Septic Tanks vs Cisterns: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  20. Concrete vs Plastic Septic Tanks (Understanding Differences)
  21. Can I Shower If My Septic Tank Is Full?
  22. Septic Tanks vs Evapotranspiration Systems: Key Differences (Guide)
  23. Septic Tanks vs Rotating Biological Contactors: Key Differences (Guide)
  24. Septic Tanks vs Aerated Lagoons: Know the Difference (Guide)
  25. Gravity vs Pump Septic Systems: What’s Better? (Basics)
  26. What Does A Full Septic Tank Look Like?
  27. What Happens When Septic Tank Is Full?

Health risks

  1. Septic Tanks vs Composting Toilets: What’s Better? (Basics)
  2. Septic Tanks vs Biodigesters: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  3. Septic Tanks vs Cisterns: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  4. Overview
  5. Septic Tanks vs Aerated Lagoons: Know the Difference (Guide)
  6. Septic Tanks vs Privies: What’s the Connection? (Basics)
  7. Septic Tanks vs Sewer Systems: Clearing Confusion (Basics)
  8. What Happens When Septic Tank Is Full?
  9. Can You Drive Over A Septic Tank?
  10. Can You Use Drano With A Septic Tank?
  11. How To Unclog A Septic Tank Yourself?
  12. Septic Tanks vs Greywater Systems (Understanding Differences)
  13. Septic Tanks vs Lagoons: What’s Better? (Guide)
  14. Septic Tanks vs Pressure Distribution Systems: Key Differences (Guide)
  15. Septic Tanks vs Rotating Biological Contactors: Key Differences (Guide)
  16. Overview

Holding tank

A container used to hold and treat wastewater from a building or property.

  1. Overview
  2. Septic Tanks vs Evapotranspiration Systems: Key Differences (Guide)
  3. Septic Tanks vs Lagoons: What’s Better? (Guide)

Holding tank monitoring systems

Systems that monitor the level of wastewater in a holding tank.

  1. Overview

Household size

  1. Gravity vs Pump Septic Systems: What’s Better? (Basics)
  2. How Often To Pump A Septic Tank?
  3. Septic Tanks vs Package Plants: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)
  4. Oxygen Requirement Difference
  5. Concrete vs Plastic Septic Tanks (Understanding Differences)
  6. How Long Does It Take To Replace A Septic Tank?
  7. Septic Tanks vs Pressure Distribution Systems: Key Differences (Guide)
  8. Septic Tanks vs Soakaways: Understanding the Differences (Basics)
  9. Single Chamber vs Two Chamber Septic Tanks (Guide)

Household waste

  1. Septic Tanks vs Drain Fields: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  2. Septic Tanks vs French Drains: What’s the Connection? (Basics)
  3. Septic Tanks vs Onsite Wastewater Treatment: Clearing Confusion (Guide)

Human waste disposal

  1. Septic Tanks vs Composting Toilets: What’s Better? (Basics)

Human waste management

The process of safely disposing of human waste.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Privies: What’s the Connection? (Basics)

Hydraulic conductivity

The ability of soil to allow water to pass through it.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Constructed Wetlands: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  2. Septic Tanks vs Dry Wells: Know the Difference (Guide)
  3. Septic Tanks vs Sewer Systems: Clearing Confusion (Basics)
  4. Soil Absorption System vs Septic Tanks (Understanding Differences)
  5. Septic Tanks vs French Drains: What’s the Connection? (Basics)
  6. Septic Tanks vs Leach Fields: Understanding the Connection (Basics)
  7. Septic Tanks vs Mound Systems: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  8. Septic Tanks vs Septic Dosing Systems: Understanding Differences (Basics)

Hydraulic loading rate

The amount of wastewater that enters the septic tank per unit of time.

  1. Single Chamber vs Two Chamber Septic Tanks (Guide)
  2. Septic Tanks vs Drain Fields: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  3. Septic Tanks vs Privies: What’s the Connection? (Basics)
  4. Septic Tanks vs Sand Mounds: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  5. Septic Tanks vs Package Plants: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)
  6. Septic Tanks vs Pressure Distribution Systems: Key Differences (Guide)
  7. Septic Tanks vs Septic Dosing Systems: Understanding Differences (Basics)
  8. Septic Tanks vs Rotating Biological Contactors: Key Differences (Guide)

Hydraulic retention time

The amount of time wastewater stays in the septic tank.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Rotating Biological Contactors: Key Differences (Guide)
  2. Step 1: Anaerobic Digestion Process
  3. Septic Tanks vs Aerated Lagoons: Know the Difference (Guide)
  4. Septic Tanks vs Constructed Wetlands: Clearing the Confusion (Guide)
  5. Septic Tanks vs Lagoons: What’s Better? (Guide)

Hydrogen sulfide gas

A gas produced by the breakdown of organic matter in the septic tank that can be harmful to humans.

  1. How To Check Septic Tank Is Full?
  2. Septic Tanks vs Sewer Systems: Clearing Confusion (Basics)

Hydrogeological study

A study of the geological properties of the soil and groundwater in an area.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Dry Wells: Know the Difference (Guide)


The breakdown of organic matter in the septic tank by water.

  1. Septic Tanks vs Package Plants: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)
  2. Step 1: Understanding the Basics
  3. Septic Tanks vs Septic Dosing Systems: Understanding Differences (Basics)